How to Maximize Membership

6 ways you can make the most of your BWN membership

right away — before the next meeting!

•  Utilize All That BWN's Website Has to Offer 

In addition to the information about our upcoming meetings, you can click on the Members tab and log on using your username (your email address) and password. (If you forgot your password, just click “forgot my password” and it will be emailed to you.) 

In the Members section, you can view the Member Directory--a complete listing of all current BWN members. Identify individuals that you might want to connect with at the next meeting or online. 

  Follow BWN on Social Media

BWN's Facebook Page is open to the public and is also used for recruiting new members. We post interesting articles, BWN news, and event updates several times per week. Engage with our Facebook posts--Like, Comment, Share--so that more of our followers and their friends see our content in their News Feeds. It's also helpful to engage with our content as your business page, if you have one. 

BWN's closed Facebook Group is for current/paid BWN members only.  Please request to join this group, answer all of the provided questions, and one of the administrators will approve your membership in this group.  Use this group to network throughout the month and all year round.  Post announcements or business events, ask questions or get advice from the group, and share your business page if you have one. 

Follow and engage with our content on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Update your own LinkedIn profile, social media accounts, website, and resume to reflect your BWN membership.

Share our content on to your personal social media accounts to help us recruit new members and build our collective network!

  Subscribe to BWN's Newsletter

Subscribe to receive regular updates and news about BWN meetings and events. Forward our newsletter to your colleagues and other connections to help our recruiting efforts.

  Take Advantage of Member Benefits

  • Receive Member pricing for meetings
  • Receive Announcement of upcoming events
  • Access to member directory
  • Volunteer for committee and board positions
  • Nominate Scholarship and Award recipients
  • Attend member-only events. 

  Leverage Promotional Opportunities that are Included in Your Membership

  • Network with fellow and potential members, and learn from our fantastic line-­up of speakers at monthly luncheons
  • Arrange one‐on-­one meetings to build relationships
  • Speak about your business in front of the group at certain meetings
  • Promote your events/business on provided boards at certain meetings
  • Join our closed BWN Facebook group — where you may post relevant information, business related invitations, etc.
  • Apply for selection as a "Featured Non-­Profit" after two years of membership 
  • Host special member events such as coffee meetups and happy hours
  • Download BWN's Logo for use with your e-mail signature

•  Get Involved

Volunteer for a committee! The more involved you are, the more you will get out of the organization. Below is a list of our main committees.

  • Marketing and Communications
  • Hospitality
  • Membership
  • Programs
  • Scholarship






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